Stock Availabiltiy Policy for
At Sportie, we strive to offer a wide range of discounted products from our suppliers. Our stock availability policy allows you to access products that may not be held in our warehouse but are potentially available through our suppliers. Please review our policy below:
Stock Availability:
Certain items listed on our website are not physically in our warehouse and will be ordered form our suppliers, this can delay the shipping time slightly. Stock quantities available are updated weekly to ensure we provide accurate information to you. as well as the biggest selection possible at all times.
Shipping Timeline:
If stock is not in our warehouse, but confirmed available from the supplier, we generally ship your order within 5 to 7 working days.
For items in stock at our warehouse, our normal shipping policy applies, and you can expect delivery within 3 working days, often on the next working day.
If you purchase an item that is no longer available from our supplier, we will inform you promptly. In this case, you will have the option for a full refund or to choose an alternative product.
Removal of Products:
Once it is confirmed that a product will no longer be available from our suppliers, it will be removed from our website to prevent future purchases.
Important Notes
By purchasing an any of our products on offer, you acknowledge and accept that stock availability may subject to confirmation from our suppliers.
We appreciate your understanding as we work to provide you with the best discounted deals possible.
If you have any questions regarding our stock availability policy, please feel free to contact us on email or whatsapp and we will assist with your query.
Thank you for shopping with Sportie!